"The Gorn arrived in CSC and assembled a local council to facilitate effective decision-making. Moreover, did our Councillor embed the iconic caste-based class system to bring order and discipline into our ranks. The strong belief of our scaly members in the divine grace of our eternal mistress, empowers our priests, inspires our technologists and augments our warriors with an indomitable will." - Gorn Hegemony CSC Guild
"The mighty combat prowess of the Gorn has once again been rejuvenated by the insatiable hunger of the wretched all-father, the true evil in the galaxy that was exiled by our goddess, S'Yahazah the Great Egg Bringer. Fellow Gorn Warriors...YOU HAVE TO ACT... the time has arrived to witness the most powerful Gorn incursion ever seen in CSC galactic space. Our scouts have spotted a divine artifact signature from the Mistress of Fertility herself. It has been located on a remote planet in the so called "Fringe" space. We suspect that henchman of the wretched all-father were deployed to destroy the artifact! Gorn...sharpen your claws, ready your blades, phasers and plasma torpedos...WE WILL MAKE GORN GREAT AGAIN by securing the divine artifact and uncovering its secret!" — Councillor Ryu the Dark, 2873

Short term mission statement of the Gorn
“Don’t act until you’re sure that you’re right, and then let nothing stop you.”— Gorn Proverb
Our next short term target is to construct an outpost in Fringe space, the most dangerous space in CSC. Due to game-play mechanics, Commanders could potentially lose their ship and modules if destroyed in "Fringe" space. This is where our defensive fleet and elite troops will come into play, which are dedicated to provide secure mining and territorial control. Our prestigious Gorn Space Command will commence the very first expeditions into "Fringe" space as well as establish a foothold in this remote and unexplored array of systems. The initial mission of our frontier expedition will be to find a habitable planet or space station in "Fringe" space.

The Gorn Caste System
On behalf of the Gorn Hegemony and direct orders from our King, we will enact the caste system, a class-like career progression path. The terminology of our guild class system adheres to the norms of Gorn Hegemony and Star Trek lore. Our honorable Council aims to empower members with specialized tasks, honorary titles and benefits that will help grow our influence in the CSC Universe.
Every member of the Gorn Hegemony fits into a specialized role, whether it is a militant, laborer or technologists.

Beginner Castes (Saur)
- Initiate - Initiates are in the lower class and follow orders of their superiors; they are the fighters. Their weapon of choice is the Ravager, which is an automatic ballistic rifle. Initiates always move in squads, and their total mindset on fighting makes them highly dangerous. Initiates can run on all four legs, but in this fighting position they stand roughly four feet tall. At full height they would be more than six feet.
- Laborer - The working class of the Gorn dedicated to industrial developments, commerce and logistics. Laborer have intricate knowledge of manufacturing and mining.
- Technologist - The researchers caste of the Gorn, known for their distinct genetic divergence into smaller physical reptilians with genetically enhanced neural throughput. Most Gorn technologists use cyber-genetic implants to augment intelligence and memory capabilities. Technologist usually research and master blueprints of military and industrial technology.

Advanced Castes (Specialists)
- Warrior - The Warrior is the next evolution step above the Gorn Initiate, but still closely resembles a wild animal/beast when in combat. Equipped with basic armor, the genetically enhanced Warrior is intelligent enough to operate weaponry such as the Pillager and the Arc Driver.
- Henchman - controls squadrons of Initiates and Warrior. He possesses the ability to cloak.
- Sentinel - these are similar to the Commander. Nine feet tall and the most vicious, largest and strongest of the Gorn. They use the Arc Driver, the most powerful Gorn weapon for ground combat.
- Guardian - The Gorn Guardian is considered the "royal guard" of the Gorn and carries a large energy axe, dealing medium damage with a swiping attack. The Guardian is equivalent to the Warrior in health, but also has the ability to generate a shield from his energy axe. Guardians are more evolved than the Initiate and Warrior, spending more time standing upright on their hind legs. Although they tend to slouch down while moving, Guardian attacks are made from an upright stance..
- Lieutenant - these command the Initiate squads.
- Priest - keepers of the lineage and achievements of the King and their nation. These Gorn are believed to be protected by the Mistress of Fertility for they are nobles and spiritually pure. Those hereditary families that have a large number of blue-yellow scaled Gorn are considered blessed with a symbol of Gorn strength.
- Scout - Scouts are the long-range specialists. Scouts do not take cover, but have two unique abilities key to their success as the silent killers of the Gorn army: Scouts can walk on walls and have the ability to camouflage so they blend in with their background.
- Brute - The Brute is one of the fiercest, most dangerous Gorn in close quarters. Big and heavily armored, Brutes aren't evolved enough to use weapons, resorting to their natural weapons of claws and charging attacks to devastate their enemies. Brutes charge through cover, destroying it and sending anyone behind that cover flying backward. The Brute has a large amount of hit points and is most heavily armored in the front.
- Champion - An ferocious eight foot mutated Gorn. The Champion is bigger and burlier than the average Gorn due to his rare birth defects.
- Rusher - The Gorn Rusher is the least evolved of the “intelligent” Gorn. They don't use weapons and move on all fours, making them very fast and agile. Rushers charge directly at enemies, leaping into the air and dragging them to the ground to bite and claw them to death.
- Commander - is the most tactically able. Uses venom to make enemies fight each other for amusement. The position of Commander is rewarded by the Council based on merit and achievement.
- First Myrmidon (General) - They are the highest ranked Generals and bring an overwhelming repertoire of melee capabilities as well as tactical combat understanding to the field.

Current Developments in the Gorn Hegemony
The Royal Transmission - Log Entry
Our King has send a encoded transmission directly from the royal capital in Gornar to our remote expedition into the CSC Universe. He has essentially granted the Gorn Hegemony CSC Guild a declaration of freedom, which means that our local government in CSC will operate on its own agenda.
The Trials of the Council - Log Entry
The Gorn Council announced that the Councillor position is only available to Commanders that bring forth enough courage to master the divine trails (a questionnaire to ensure you are a full-fledged Gorn Zealot), a "1 versus 1" Arena fight against a Gorn Councillor, as well as provide track-record of time commitment. Every Gorn Initiate that joins our ranks will have the opportunity to advance to the next caste level easily, by showing positive acts that are in line with the cultural pillars of the Gorn: Family, Faith, Honor and Service. Every successful candidate that becomes Gorn Councillor will receive a honorary Szeket Token for his achievements.
(Screenshots are from the game CSC Space MMO and Star Trek Online)
The Royal Transmission - Log Entry
Our King has send a encoded transmission directly from the royal capital in Gornar to our remote expedition into the CSC Universe. He has essentially granted the Gorn Hegemony CSC Guild a declaration of freedom, which means that our local government in CSC will operate on its own agenda.
The Trials of the Council - Log Entry
The Gorn Council announced that the Councillor position is only available to Commanders that bring forth enough courage to master the divine trails (a questionnaire to ensure you are a full-fledged Gorn Zealot), a "1 versus 1" Arena fight against a Gorn Councillor, as well as provide track-record of time commitment. Every Gorn Initiate that joins our ranks will have the opportunity to advance to the next caste level easily, by showing positive acts that are in line with the cultural pillars of the Gorn: Family, Faith, Honor and Service. Every successful candidate that becomes Gorn Councillor will receive a honorary Szeket Token for his achievements.
(Screenshots are from the game CSC Space MMO and Star Trek Online)