Friday, September 13, 2019

Gorn Hegemony, an Interstellar State of Trade and Entrepreneurship


"The manifestation of our destiny, or "ᚢssegssirr", is the basic tenet of the Gorn. We shall spread the Gorn Imperative throughout the Solar System. Our mission is to help our constituents prosper in this world full of opportunity and innovation unlocked through Blockchain technology. We are destined to ascend together with our partners and allies and build a transparent inter-galactic state of trade, industry and entrepreneurship." - Councillor Ryu the Dark, 2020

         Gorn Hegemony Introduction
The Gorn Hegemony is an interstellar state governed by a democratically elected council. The mission of Gorn is to build an interstellar state of trade and entrepreneurship, inspired after the Gorn state in Star Trek's Beta Quadrant. Gorn Hegemony is using $GORN, a Social Money as medium of transaction. They have partnered with the Roll Social Money platform to create an Ethereum standard blockchain asset, known as ERC-20 Social Money. $GORN rewards can be redeemed on Roll. The term "hegemon" and its definition in ancient Gorn language has been the subject of extensive scholarly conversation published by Gorn scholars, like Councillor Ryu the Dark. 
Gorn Hegemony Origin
The word "hegemon" implies leadership and rule in ancient human language. The word holds implications for both political organization and physical layout, but for our purposes it does not mean “state” in the sense that we now conceive of one. It is a term which can more accurately be described as an “interstellar-state” or “city-state,” or a group of people ruled by their own distinct political body and with some civic centers. Like most other ancient Gorn states, the Gorn Hegemony sought to legitimize their past by linking culture and state to a divine ancestry, but also credited their foundations to one hero in particular, a man, or perhaps a myth, named "Dragorn". His reforms, which are estimated to have been “written” around 65055 BC, were very influential for both the Hegemony and other warring states of the Gorn, whose political organization laid out by Ryu the Dark 2020AD accounts of the newest Gorn research.
Gorn Hegemony Constitution
Above all, Dragorn was the reason for the Gorn ideology, the creation of the caste system, or literally “raising” of children like legions, and is an example of the unique political system of the Hegemony. The Gorn Hegemony was perceived by ancient Gorn to be a monarchy, oligarchy, or democracy at varying times in history so that the function of its government is therefore, difficult to pinpoint. Unlike democratic states, Gorn in the Milky Way galaxy was governed in by more than just an assembly or a king. According to the first Gorn King and what we know of Ryu's reforms, the Hegemony was governed by a group of Councillors and a group of elders or senate, also known as the "Specialists", and the Gorn public, an assembly of Gorn male and female citizens. The “laws” that have been passed down, whether by the Ryu the Dark reformers after him, are often referred to as “ᚢssegssirr”, known as the manifestation of the Gorn destiny, or tenets. It implies a saying or pronouncement- “from a bargain or contract, through an oracle to a law.” 

Gorn Hegemony Constitution 10/2020AD

The 7 Guild Tenets of the Gorn Hegemony

"The manifestation of our destiny, or ᚢssegssirr"

The Gorn Hegemony Guild will have initially an intricate focus manufacturing and trading of digital assets. We want to help build a transparent inter-galactic network of commerce and entrepreneurship with our partners and allies.

The Council will oversee industrial developments, conduct diplomacy, be a caretaker of mining fleets as well as build the securitization of Gorn territory. The Gorn Hegemony seeks to reach sustainability through the creation of a durable competitive interstellar state with economic moat. Gorn values, experience and history shows that we must work in a way to deliver lasting and real benefits for the constituents of the Gorn Hegemony as well as wider communities in which we operate. Moreover is the Gorn Sustainability Tenet prohibit members to exercise profanity, defamation, sharing of trade secrets, misuse of confidential information, terrorism or any attempts to deteriorate diplomatic relations. A breach of conduct will be punished and can lead to membership revocation.

The Council (Councillors) and Senate (Specialists) will provide a knowledge foundation and offer insight about their fields of expertise. The aim is to ignite the entrepreneurship of members by connecting them to experts and leaders in specific industries related to digital assets. The Gorn honour equality, transparency and entrepreneurship.

The Gorn Council and Senate will encompass guidance in digital assets, conduct market analysis and give recommendations to the members of the guild, specifically related to digital asset management, manufacturing and marketing. Lean, Agile and Six Sigma are methodologies used by Gorn.

 The constitution (Council, Senate and Assembly) of the Gorn Hegemony resembles a parliamentary monarchy. Council and Senate are elected democratically.

Everyone can join the Gorn Hegemony Guild. Besides that, Council admissions will be conducted by the Council itself and requires candidates to overcome a series of challenges. The First Trial of the Council is about wits and creativity and can be reached here. In the Second Trial, which is about showing guts and finesse, the candidate will get interviewed by a Gorn Councillor. If the candidate is deemed eligible he can be elected as Councillor by the Council, Senat and Assembly.

$GORN Social Money
Councillors will promote and incentivize members with $GORN in line with a social credit system known as the Caste System. Essentially, this social remuneration system it is based on merit and follows the notion of Gorn culture (Family, Faith, Service, Honor). 
$GORN will be redeemable for CSC assets which can be swapped on the Roll platform.

Gorn castes explained: Link



  •   Councillor of Faith (Ancient Knowledge, Gorn Philosophy & Mysteries)
    •  Ryu the Dark  
  •  Councillor of Science (Technology & Biotic Science)  
  • Councillor of Technology    
    • Crypto Space Commander Alpha 1   
  • Councillor of Commerce
    • Vision  
  • Councillor of Synths (Robotics)
    • Freelan
  • Councillor of Manufacturing
    • Mr. Frosty 
  • Councillor of Intelligence (Gorn Intelligence & Expansion and Diplomacy)    
  • Councillor of Peace (Defense of the Hegemony & Diplomacy) 
    • Lexieduss    

  • Mining Director (Industry)
    • Mining Director Rohas
  • Ambassador (Diplomacy and Foreign Policy) 
    • Ambassador PVSVANG  
  • Squad Leader - controls squadrons of Initiates and Warrior. He possesses the ability to cloak and is equipped with thermal grenades.
    • Squad Leader STAEK   
  • Specialist - a talented entrepreneur in the field of management
    • Specialist Galderas  
  • Shipcrafter - bring this Gorn a pile of ore and he will make it fly. 
    • Shipcrafter Luksm
  • Scout - controls squadrons of Scouts. He possesses the ability to cloak.
    • Scout Copycat 
  • Weapon Specialist- a savvy weapons engineer, focused on plasma and energy weaponry