Gorn Councillor Ryu the Dark and eight Gorn research colonists conducted an expedition into a newly found Fringe System, known as
Fomalhaut. The timid jungle of planet Dagon was explored and a research outpost was built. Back in Gorn Guild HQ new scientific findings about an forgotten artifact were revealed.

Log Entry - The Expedition to Fomalhaut
The FTL route was carefully planned by the Guild Council, with an aim to minimize the traveled distance by using jump gates into systems located nearby the Fomalhaut System. Starting point was Lalande System, which is accessible within the jump gate network. Rumors of an ancient Gorn Artifact surface within the Guild HQ of the Gorn, which. Ryu the Dark himself explored the uncharted Fringe System, Fomalhaut, that was recently discovered by the Federation and the Sol governments. Throughout Ryu's journey into the depths of the Fringe Space, one priority was of utter importance: the manifestation of destiny explained in a previous data archive. In a nutshell, the essence of this mission was to establish a outpost on a habitable planet with access to precious minerals, in line with with the Gorn survival and exploration principles. Gorn developed their principles and cultural beliefs due to their complex history, outlined here.
Councillor Ryu the Dark orbiting Planet Y3637457623, also known as Dagon in the Fomalhaut System
Ryu's Cruiser FF deployed telemetry probes and conducted several chem-trail analysis' in the atmosphere of Planet Y3637457623.
It was evident that the planet was habitable due to its advantageous
spherical conditions as well as an robust Ozone layer and optimal
for Gorn breeding grounds. Ryu analyzed the constituents and semantics
of the chemical compounds using multiple spectroscopy techniques for
particle characterization and Zeta-potential measurement. Telemetry
probes picked up a rich mineral vein on the southern continent of the
planet, which would be an prospective consideration for a mining outpost
location for the Gorn Hegemony. An Research-FOB module was installed with two supply modules to ensure longevity and survival for this newly found Gorn colony. The eight Gorn colonist will remain on
the planet and conduct further planetary research as well as deploy
probes to survey the planet even further.
Councillor Ryu the Dark surveying the Fomalhaut System after precious metals and crystals
Gorn Guardian Ryu encountered on his expedition to Fomalhaut several distinct anomaly signatures, indicating more solar systems in the vicinity of Fomalhaut. Gravitational Spectral Scanners indicate that Fomalhaut may contain evidence about the existence of a lost Gorn artifact due to its spectral constituency, suggesting rich veins of rare crystalline alloys. Scholars belief that the an archeological breakthrough is nascent, predicted by ancient star charts of the Gorn, that show a "dragon head" constellation which has striking similarities with the Fomalhaut System. Gorn scholars have identified a prospective location of the monolithic artifact, that is of immeasurable value to the Hegemony. Historical evidence suggests that this artifact may contain an exotic crystalline alloy capable of inhibiting dimension-altering attributes.

Log Entry - An ancient Parchment encompassing the path to a Lost Artifact of the Gorn
Gorn scholars in the CSC Universe commenced advanced technological studies to safeguard the survival of the guild and it's
steadfast augurers, technologist and laborers. This golden age of
exploration and survival has enabled the Gorn Hegemony to reach far
beyond the Beta Quadrant and the known galaxy. The new Gorn frontier
into the CSC universe already surpassed their greatest exploration
achievements by finding an ancient parchment encompassing the path to an forgotten artifact of
the Gorn. The archeological site was located beneath an ancient "Maya" temple, on the Human home-planet Earth. Evidence suggests that an ancient Gorn deity, with the name Kukulkan, has visited Earth several thousand years ago and spread the teachings of our Mistress of Fertility.
A 3000 year old Gorn painting depicting the sacred comet on a trajectory into a "dragon-head" nebulae. Scientists believe that this painting has been created in 21435 BC by a higher priest of the Gorn Hegemony with a certain segment of the story of the Mistress of Fertility as inspiration. Specifically the chapter, that describes that the divine artifact was buried on a crystalline Comet and sent into dragon-head nebulae. Tentative translations depict that the aim was to safeguard the artifact from the gaze of the wretched All-father, the true evil in the galaxy. Rumors are that the artifact is a mythical crystalline alloy that is supposed to be able to harness space-time continuum.
The parchment was found on the Yucatan Peninsula, within a secret chamber in a forgotten temple which was seemingly dedicated for the Gorn deity, Kukulkan. On the parchment was a dragon-head constellation painted and a several descriptions about sightings of the sacred artifact of Mistress, which is rumored to be held at a crystalline comet in the afford-mentioned constellation. At the backside of the parchment is a writing that supposedly describes that Kukulkan was a ancient Gorn priest that traveled through wormholes with the mission to spread the four pillars of Gorn belief and wisdom without impacting the technological superiority of primitive species. Several Gorn scientists even assume, that based on the writings of the parchment, the location of the artifact may not be stationary, if the original author Kukulkan really meant the actual meaning of the word "Comet", which describes a stellar object on a trajectory in space. The Gorn artifact itself is believed to be a mythical crystal that can harness the immeasurable power to control the space-time continuum.
A 3000 year old Gorn painting depicting the sacred comet on a trajectory into a "dragon-head" nebulae. Scientists believe that this painting has been created in 21435 BC by a higher priest of the Gorn Hegemony with a certain segment of the story of the Mistress of Fertility as inspiration. Specifically the chapter, that describes that the divine artifact was buried on a crystalline Comet and sent into dragon-head nebulae. Tentative translations depict that the aim was to safeguard the artifact from the gaze of the wretched All-father, the true evil in the galaxy. Rumors are that the artifact is a mythical crystalline alloy that is supposed to be able to harness space-time continuum.
The parchment was found on the Yucatan Peninsula, within a secret chamber in a forgotten temple which was seemingly dedicated for the Gorn deity, Kukulkan. On the parchment was a dragon-head constellation painted and a several descriptions about sightings of the sacred artifact of Mistress, which is rumored to be held at a crystalline comet in the afford-mentioned constellation. At the backside of the parchment is a writing that supposedly describes that Kukulkan was a ancient Gorn priest that traveled through wormholes with the mission to spread the four pillars of Gorn belief and wisdom without impacting the technological superiority of primitive species. Several Gorn scientists even assume, that based on the writings of the parchment, the location of the artifact may not be stationary, if the original author Kukulkan really meant the actual meaning of the word "Comet", which describes a stellar object on a trajectory in space. The Gorn artifact itself is believed to be a mythical crystal that can harness the immeasurable power to control the space-time continuum.
Kukulkan, the serpent deity of the Mayans is supposedly of Gorn heritage. This temple has been conveyed with gravitational spectral analysis, which revealed a secret chamber beneath the serpent-head sculpture.
(Screenshots are from the game CSC Space MMO and Wikipedia)