Gorn Hegemony joined the Interstellar Space Federation as founding
member. The Gorn are honoured to pledge themselves to a sustainable and
prosperous future in tandem with the ISF standards and shoulder to
shoulder with the members of the ISF.
Interstellar Space Federation proverb
"The Interstellar Space
Federation (ISF) consists of over a hundred planets and corporations who have
allied themselves for mutual cultural, scientific and defensive benefits.
Members of the ISF agreed to share their resources and in peaceful cooperation
with the aim to promote welfare and peace across the whole CSC Universe."
Excerpt from the Handbook of Information on the ISF
Illustration showing the different races and corporations that joined the ISF
In this
lunar cycle the Gorn deployed a communication satellite to Fomalhaut in order
to be survey more systems in this quadrant. Evidence of telemetric scans
revealed a trace of the mythical comet, which is rumoured to contain the
forgotten Gorn artifact. The trace was in form of Eisilium dust which was
collected at a nearby asteroid belt in Fomalhaut. Moreover, Gorn scientists
launched several scientific intrepid vessels from the planet "Dagon",
where the Gorn FOB was established, during the last lunar cycle. Experts
suggest that further evidence is needed in order to create reproducible
solutions that determine the trajectory of the mythical comet. The ground-breaking
finding of "ice ore" in an asteroid belt is puzzling even human
scientists in Sol. Since the Gorn have an outstanding track record with the
Federation and the Sol governments, all the research materials were transmitted
to them after our scientist analysed it.
Gorn Hegemony Exploration Fleet Alpha at Planet Dagon in the Fomalhaut system
sophisticated state-of-the-art ship manufacturing of Vulcan Industries, a Mars
based corporation, has baffled even the savviest Gorn technologist. The Gorn
Space Command, thus decided to purchase several models of the Vulcan Crusader
FF Prometheus class ship, dedicated for security and mining fleet support. The
current model offers capabilities of 4 times the lightspeed travels as well as 840
million tons of cargo. This exceptional spaceship has combat capabilities
that are unmatched, and the Gorn Space Command can be proud to be the
owner of this spacecraft. We are delighted to announce that the Crusader FF has
received a commendation to become part of the Gorn fleet doctrine, mainly due to its defensive and offensive capabilities.
(Illustration by Don Ivan Punchatz, edited by Ryu the Dark)
(Screenshots from CSC Space MMO)
(Screenshots from CSC Space MMO)