Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Guild Developments in May

The Gorn Hegemony has experienced member growth in this period and established a Forward Base to facilitate a foundation in the depths of Fringe. Moreover, has the ISF - Starfleet, where the Gorn are founding members, facilitated a new insignia.

The new ISF - Starfleet Insignia

Developments - The Gorn establish a FOB in Fringe

"The Gorn Hegemony is proud to announce the establishment of a secret Outpost in Fringe that will serve as mining and trading hub for allies and members of the Hegemony. We are delighted to welcome also several new Commanders to our guild, which are currently stationed in the Outpost to conduct an ore survey in adjacent systems. We are looking forward to continuously improve our capacity in the new forward base by establishing supplies and security for our humble warriors, miners and traders." - Councillor Ryu the Dark, 2845

The Gorn Hegemony Flagship during a Mining Operation

Log Entry - Borg technology and reports of Borg attacks are surfacing

The Gorn Hegemony received reports from attacks of cubic starships. According to our database from the beta quadrant, our researchers concluded that it is the ship classification of the Borg we are dealing with. This reports facilitated a new project programme under the oversight of the Gorn Command, dedicated to the research and implementation of Borg technology. Our lead researchers were already experimenting with Borg drones several decades ago and started now a project to develop a Borg algroithm embedded into a Gorn cyborg CPU. This could empower the Gorn Hegemony to infiltrate the hostile Borg civilization that is running rampant in Fringe. Our humble Councillor Ryu the Dark himself is currently forming an assault fleet to engage hostile Borg ships during the next days and weeks. The Gorn fleet strenght for this operation is approximately 10 to 15 Prometheus class ships.

Specimen XCY-786RRF, the first functional Gorn Borg drone replicant