Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Alpha Edition Collection: Balmung #1


This month the Gorn Hegemony uncovered a mythical artifact on Earth, Sol System. Ryu the Dark created the very first NFT of the NFTxDeFi Collection for the Gorn Hegemony G&C. Balmung is a legendary sword found during an expedition to Norse ruins in Scandinavia during AD2021.

Balmung: a crossover of DeFi, NFT and mythology

Developments - Balmung NFT uncovered by Gorn


𒈱The legendary sword Balmung has been seen first in the Nibelungenlied, Volsung Saga and Poetic Edda. This interstellar artifact has been uncovered by Ryu, during exploration expeditions to Norse ruins in Scandinavia, Earth. Balmung grants the owner communication linkage with Ryu, an interstellar dragon leader that hoards Bitcoin, breathes poison, and has great cunning and wisdom. The Balmung NFT owner also receives monthly interest payments in $GORN.


𒈱The owner receives a communication link with Ryu the Dark, Founder of $GORN

𒈱Grants 88 $GORN monthly interest payment to the owner of the NFT, exercised at the last day of every month

After purchasing this NFT a website link will be revealed to the owner with the aim to provide access for direct contact to Ryu. Ryu builds an interstellar network that seeks to add scientific value to projects in the field of AI trading, networking, entrepreneurship, blockchain and other emerging technologies


𒈱The blade of the sword consists of Quickjade ᛁᛚᛟᚡᛖᚨᛗᚨᚾᛞᚨ, which can materialize itself on different dimensional planes by creating a quantum field bridge to the space-time continuum, Valhalla. Three entities of this blade have been created in the multiverse, one located in Asgard, one on Earth and one on Gornar. The eye of a dragon weaves into space-time fabric when the blade swings.

Find out more about $GORN cryptocurrency at https://app.tryroll.com/token/GORN