Friday, August 21, 2020

Guild Developments in August

 This month the Gorn Hegemony released a new iteration of the caste system, encountered the FSC Pirates as well as entered diplomatic talks with AIM, a faction in CSC's Fringe space. Recently, the Gorn executed numerous trading and ore distribution contracts with other factions, guilds and corporations in the CSC 'verse.

  Commemorative Titles of the Gorn Hegemony

  Titles attainable by members of the Gorn Hegemony


  A new paradigm of Gorn Guild Reputation has been set

Developments - The next iteration of the Caste System released

"The Gorn Hegemony is proud to announce we have added more reputation quests to the internal reputation system of the Gorn Hegemony. We seek to incentivize, engage and gamify our community and all stakeholders. The update log can be accessed in our Caste System database"


- Councillor Ryu the Dark, 2845

Log Entry - Gorn exploration vessel discovers FSC Pirate outposts

The Gorn Hegemony reported several locations of Free Space Coalition (FSC) Pirate outposts to the governments of the Sol system. FSC pirates are a new threat in the CSC Universe and are rumoured to hold precious treasures from deep Fringe. We have manged to salvage intel off an destroyed FSC Harbinger ship and deciphered lucrative data about hidden FSC mining stations, which may lead the Gorn to hidden asteroid veins in Fringe. A Gorn taskforce has been deployed to lead the investigation regarding finding more clues to locate FSC outposts and mining stations.

A FSC Harbinger patroling a FSC Pirate outpost in FL Virginis system

A Gorn SpecOps unit successfully extracted classified intel from a FSC Pirate outpost in FL Virginis system. The salvaged data contains data points and coordinates from a nearby system as well as several ship specifications of the FSC fleet vessels. Gorn manufacturers received technical plans of this vessels to scrutinize them, looking for the possibility to replicate technological advancements of the FSC. Further investigations will be conducted by the Gorn, with the purpose to identify the objectives of the FSC.



A FSC Executioner approaching a FSC Pirate station


Log Entry - Gorn establish contact with the AIM

Gorn exploration vessels established a trade agreement with a newly encounterd faction, known as the Association of Independent Merchants. This facton resembles neutral resource traders from the edge of the Cygni nebulae. The Gorn established the first contact on the 10/08/2020AD during a exploration mission in the Cygni A system.

AIM merchants and Gorn traders exchanging goods in the Cygni A system on planet "Ilyriom 6"

(All screenshots are from STO, CSC Space MMO)