Saturday, October 17, 2020

Guild Developments in September


 This month the Gorn Hegemony became a force to reckon with in the CSC Universe. The Gorn Fleet was expanded to 100 steadfast warriors with one objective: fostering the longevity and stability of the Gorn Hegemony in CSC. Moreover, a hostile Klingon fleet was sighted in EQ Pegasi, which led to the deployment of several Prometheus-class battalions into the system with the purpose to secure and protect citizens of the CSC 'verse.

  A Gorn Cardenas-class attacking the Klingon Sarcophagus

Developments - Influx of new members

"The Gorn Hegemony is proud to announce that a huge influx of members has occured during September. Our member count has surpassed 100 Gorn and we are looking forward to expand operations at our forward bases in Fringe. Additionally, we have new leadership positions filled and constructed a new forward mining base in the Hydrae cluster of the CSC 'verse. The update log, reflecting new leadership positions and new guild reputations quests can be accessed in our Caste System database"


- Councillor Ryu the Dark, 2845

Log Entry - Gorn partners with Neural Network Industries, an AI trading entity from Earth, Sol System

Moreover has the Gorn Hegemony partnered with a artificial intelligence and algorithmic trading entity from Earth, Sol System. This partnership will help the Gorn to expand its interstellar footprint in the field of algorithmic trading of digital assets as well as commodities. We spoke to mark the announcement of a major partnership between the two entities, with the aim of combining Gorn Hegemonies expertise in commodity and NFT trading with Neural Network Industries expertise in cutting-edge technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), algorithmic trading, and cloud server trading technology. Find out more about NN at

Neural Network Industries - a primer for algortihmic trading of digital assets