the Gorn Hegemony launched their own Social Money on Roll. Gorn, or $GORN is a social monetary unit used for transactions within the Gorn Hegemony and its community. Gorn Social Money was issued by from New York, US on the 05/10/2020 for the Gorn Hegemony CSC Guild. $GORN is a social proof-of-work Social Money and grants specific privileges and rights to holders. $GORN will augment the Gorn Hegemony and bring the member and participant experience to a new level..the Gorn Experience
"The Gorn Hegemony is proud to announce $GORN Social Money. The purpose of $GORN is to empower members, our community and partners with the capabilities of blockchain technology. $GORN Social money on Roll are digital loyalty tokens to reward and engage an online following. Gorn has many use-cases as social proof-of-work coin and can be earned in various ways. The mission behind Gorn is to advance and empower our community and network of partners by using $GORN as a social remuneration system."

"The first set of Gorn rewarding tasks can be performed in-game in the MMO game Crypto Space Commander, where members of the Gorn Hegemony Guild earn $GORN as rewards when doing Guild Reputation Quests that are beneficial for the survivability and longevity of the Guild. $GORN will represent reputation/loyalty points for members inside the Gorn Hegemony. One can also earn $GORN by supporting the social media of the Gorn Hegemony and its network of partners."
Log Entry - $GORN rewards are live on the Roll platform